shawn donahue designer denver co portrait

Hello! I’m Shawn Donahue, a designer based in Denver, Colorado. I have over four years of experience in marketing and graphic design. Now that I’m here, my goal is to dig into the local community and work with Colorado businesses to grow together as trusted partners.

I moved to Denver in August 2016 from Minneapolis, Minnesota, where I graduated from the University of Minnesota with a BFA in Graphic Design. Previously, I was working in the marketing department of ABRA Auto Body & Glass, where I gained a ton of experience in print design, web design, content creation, vendor relations, and more.

I’m so excited to live in Denver – I love having such close access to mountains (having lived in the Midwest my whole life) and the culture Denver presents: amazing music and comedy, fantastic food and drinks, cool events, and honestly, some of the nicest folks I’ve had the privilege to meet! The diverse business and entrepreneurial culture is a huge benefit as well, offering opportunities that couldn’t exist anywhere else.

Outside of design and without making this too much like an online dating profile, I’m an avid beer enthusiast and homebrewer (so naturally Denver is a good fit), hiker, and geek. I strive to be a lifelong learner and push myself to expand my mind every day.

I’d love to meet with you to discuss your business and the opportunities I can offer you – check out my portfolio, complete the contact form below and let’s be partners!